Java Generics


Java supports generics as of version 1.5


list of integers List

list of strings List

list of lists of strings List


list of integers List<Integer>

list of strings List<String>

list of lists of strings List<List<String>>

«Now compiler can track what we have list of» 





Parameterized type


Actual type parameter


Generic type


Formal type parameter


Unbounded wildcard type


Raw type


Bounded type parameter

<E extends Number>

Recursive type bound

<T extends Comparable<T>>

Bounded wildcard type

List<? extends Number>

Generic method

static <E> List<E> asList (E[] a)

Type token


Before-after generics

// before generics

List words = new ArrayList();

words.add("Hello ");


String s = ((String)words.get(0))+((String)words.get(1))

assert s.equals("Hello world!"); 

// with generics

List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();

words.add("Hello ");


String s = words.get(0)+words.get(1); // no explicit casts

assert s.equals("Hello world!"); 

«since generics are implemented by erasure

at bytecode level, two sources above will be identical»

Use raw types in..

class literals

List.class // legal

String[].class // legal

int.class // legal

List<String>.class // illegal since erasure 

List<?>.class // illegal

instanceof operator

if (o instanceof Set) {

  Set<?> set = (Set<?>) o; // checked cast, no warning



// allocates an array that its components are type of String,

// so we say that it is reified 

String[] aStringArray = new String[10];

// allocates a list with no type information, 

// Java does not reify generic types

List<String> aStringList = new ArrayList<String>();

Comparing List, List<?>, List<Object>

List unboundedList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

// legal (warning)

List<?> unboundedList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

// legal, partial type-safe

List<?> unboundedList = new ArrayList<?>(); 

// illegal

List<Object> unboundedList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

// illegal, invariant

« List<sub> is not a subtype of List<super> »

What is the difference?


static int countCommonElements(Set s1, Set s2) {

        int result = 0;

        for (Object o1 : s1) {

            if (s2.contains( o1 ))



return result;


 static int countCommonElements(Set<?> s1, Set<?> s2) {

        int result = 0;

        for (Object o1 : s1) {

            if (s2.contains( o1 ))



return result;


It is guaranteed that there is no typed operation in the second one


« sub[] is a subtype of super[], so its covariant »

Object[] anObjectArray = new Integer[10]; 

// legal, covariant

anObjectArray[0] = new String("abc");

// no type safety, causes runtime exception

// like arrays, raw collection types are not type-safe

List list = new ArrayList();


list.add(new Integer(1));

String s = (String) list.get(1); // ClassCastException


public static int sum (List<Integer> ints) {

  int s = 0;

  for (int n : ints) { s += n; }

  return s;


public static Integer sumInteger(List<Integer> ints) {

    Integer s = 0;

    for (Integer n : ints) { s += n; }

    return s;


Generify legacy codes

public class Stack {


    private Object[] stack;

    private int top = 0; 

    private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; 


    public Stack() {

        stack = new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY];



    public void push(Object obj) {


        stack[top++] = obj;



    public Object pop() {

        if (top == 0) // stack is empty

            throw new EmptyStackException(); 


        Object temp = stack[--top];



        return temp;



    public boolean isEmpty(){

        return top == 0;



    public void ensureCapacity() {

        if (stack.length == top)

            stack = Arrays.copyOf(stack, 2 * top + 1);



public class GenericStack<E> {

    private E[] stack;

    private int top = 0; 

    private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; 


    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )

    public GenericStack() {

        stack = (E[]) new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY];


    public void push(E obj) {


        stack[top++] = obj;


    public E pop() {

        if (top == 0) // stack is empty

            return null

        E temp = stack[--top];


        return temp;


    public boolean isEmpty(){

        return top == 0;


    public void ensureCapacity() {

        if (stack.length == top)

            stack = Arrays.copyOf(stack, 2 * top + 1);




Generic methods

   «Static utility methods are good candidates for generification »

Get and Put Principal

// PECS (producer extends, consumer super) principal

public static <T> void copy( 

List<? super T> dst, List<? extends T> src ) {

for ( int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++ ) {

dst.set( i, src.get( i ) );



// usage

List<Object> objs = Arrays.<Object>asList(2, 3.14, "four");

List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(5, 6);

Collections.copy(objs, ints); // type inference

assert objs.toString().equals("[5, 6, four]");

Copy  method (alternatives)

public static <T> void copy(

List<T> dst, List<T> src);

public static <T> void copy(

List<T> dst, List<? extends T> src);

public static <T> void copy(

List<? super T> dst, List<T> src);

public static <T> void copy(

List<? super T> dst, List<? extends T> src);


public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T

    max (List<T> list);

« All comparables and comparators are consumers »

public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T

    max(List<? extends T> list);

Tips on wildcard types

«Use wildcard types on input parameters for maximum flexibility»

«Do not use a wildcard for an input parameter if you both get and put on that parameter»

« Do not use wildcard types as return types »

Restrictions on Wildcards

Instance Creation

List<?> list = new ArrayList<?>(); // illegal


t<?>> lists = new ArrayList<List<?>>(); // legal



Generic Method Calls

List<?> list = Lists.<?>factory(); // illegal

List<List<?>> list = Lists.<List<?>>factory(); // legal


class AnyList extends ArrayList<?> {...} // illegal

Wildcard capturing

public static <T> void reverse(List<T> list) {

  List<T> tmp = new ArrayList<T>(list);

  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

    list.set(i, tmp.get(list.size() - i - 1));



public static void reverse(List<?> list) {

  List<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(list);

  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

    list.set(i, tmp.get(list.size() - i - 1)); // error



public static void reverse(List<?> list) {



private static <T> void rev(List<T> list) {

  List<T> tmp = new ArrayList<T>(list);

  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

    list.set(i, tmp.get(list.size() - i - 1));



« Here we say that the type variable T has captured the wildcard. This is a generally useful technique when dealing with wildcards, and it is worth knowing. »

Use Checked Collections to Enforce Security

private class Order {  }

private class AuthenticatedOrder extends Order {  }


List<AuthenticatedOrder> checkedList = 

new ArrayList<AuthenticatedOrder>();


checkedList, AuthenticatedOrder.class));


public void addChecked(List<AuthenticatedOrder> checkedList) {

  List raw = checkedList;

  Order order = new Order(); 

  raw.add(order); // unchecked call, ClassCastException at runtime


Angelika Langer

Effective Java  

Joshua Bloch

Java Generics and Collections 

Maurice Naftalin and Philip Wadler

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